I had an unexpected surprise first week in September 2008, which may open a path to help us expand and help more people. This was totally unexpected.

The attachment is of an article we found on the internet, the full set is 81 pages:

1.The front page shows who did the research and when it was done.
2. Page 26 of the 81 page report, showing the article.
3. I lightened the area that does not apply.
4. I put my notes on second page to make it easy to understand.

The Virginia Academy of Sciences is known to be "The" headquarters of research and decision making in the medical world. The person who did the research is a friend of mine that I knew while in med school while I was teaching Chemistry Lab but more from the research labs while I was doing the surgical transplantation research, a project I was working on to increase preservation time from 3 days up to at least 5 days. I worked on Kidney, Heart, lung and pancreas transplantation, including improved surgical techniques to reduce recovery time.

I knew that she was interested in my work, and I was surprised to see these results.  

Apparently, they researched the efficacy of the CELLECT in brain tissue and inflammation relative to Alzheimer's Disease.

They did the research using mice. After 7 months, the inflammation reduced tremendously and the toxicity was basically non-existent.

In research like this, it is typical to see 30% improvement, 50% is really good, 60% is great.

Cellect showed over Eleven Million percent improvement (11,100,000 %), which I interpret as "WOW"

These findings relate to other brain related biochemistry and physiological effects in the body, which supports the results we have in the many other cases.

Because of this, I hope that the other conditions we help will become of interest to others, as we do not have any funds to do our own research. I will try to see whether my friend would be interested to go further since these results were so great. I do not have the funding, but maybe they will be interested.

All I can say is WOW, I did not expect these results. I hope it opens some doors !!

With the small amount of funds that we have, I hope to focus on autism and diabetes until I can get help to research other conditions. In a positive way, I was overwhelmed today by this.

One of two things will happen. Either the medical industry will finally listen to me or they will again try to shut me up, as they have attempted numerous times before. The FDA has been very good to me, maybe they will help.

I have absolutely no idea where this will bring us, if anywhere, but I hope that this will encourage something to happen so that I can get the needed research funds to prove CELLECT's ability so that we can help more people.

I only had one Question, the report was May 2006, I have no idea why nobody told me for 2 ½ years , unless they were afraid it was too good and might cause problems. Maybe not. I have no opinion nor do I have any idea.

Click here to load the report